Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 02: Food Oddities

So, in addition to recipes, I would like to share "food oddities," or items that make you do a second glance and/or scratch your head.

Like most people, I have baking powder.  What always gets me when I use it is what's on the label:

It proudly proclaims that it is "Aluminum Free."  (Notice how proud the Argo company is with the use of the exclamation mark.)

This got me thinking - Why is not having aluminum in my baking ingredient a good thing?  Have I've been baking with aluminum previously and not even realized it?

Well, if my students use Wikipedia as the one and only official database about everything, why can't I?  Well, it seems that the consumption of aluminum may cause/contribute to Alzheimer's Disease!  (Notice the use of the exclamation mark to express my shock.)

Thank you, Argo Company, for educating me about the dangers of aluminum consumption!

Now I give my aluminum foil the side eye; I don't trust it.

Were you aware of this?  Do you bake with aluminum?


  1. I am barely a cooker, so it doesn't really apply to me. But if I am going to follow every thing that shows up in the news as "possible" contributing to cancer/Alzheimer/etc, I would become an hypochondriac. I try to take care of myself as much as possible, but the question would be, where do you draw the limit?

  2. You do raise a good point, but I would lock up your aluminum foil, like I did!

  3. LOL. What I love about this is that the stereotype of nut cases trying to block out people from their thoughts has them all wearing aluminum foil on their heads. :)
